The Life of the Mother

Maybe I’m not the first to notice this, but in states where abortion is only legal “When the life of the mother is in danger,” the state still defines a woman by her relationship to an egg that was fertilized, sometimes without her consent. “The mother.” Not “The woman.” And certainly not “The victim.”

And let me tell you. EVERY pregnant woman’s life is in danger. Her ability to make money for food might be at risk. She could be in an abusive relationship with someone who will blame her for the birth control fail. And every woman knows that delivering a full term baby IS RISKING YOUR LIFE. Shit goes DOWN in that delivery room. Continuing ANY pregnancy risks the life of “the mother.” The person. The here-now-valuable-knows-her-own-life person.

This is a short blog, but why say more than needs to be said? We should no more have to risk our lives than the inadvertent “father.” When he is willing to sign up for a Russian roulette of pregnancy dangers, get back to me. When he is willing to forego sex for the rest of his life once he has all the children he wants, get back to me. When he can stop his half of the population from raping (hundreds of thousands of rapes reported each year in America, and most go UNreported) get back to me.

The life of the mother? The life of the victim. The life of the woman. The life of the person.

Chat GPT Breakup Letter

Well, I was thrown for a loop this week as I tried Chat GPT and saw how surprisingly good it is at my content writing job. So it’s with significant loopiness that I share this with you. Just for kicks, I asked it for a mean breakup letter. Then I told it the letter wasn’t mean enough and it generated another. And yet again, “Meaner,” I said.



write mean breakup letterChatGPT

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Subject: Our Relationship

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I wanted to take this opportunity to express my feelings and thoughts regarding our relationship. It’s not easy for me to write this letter, but I believe it’s important for both of us to have clarity and honesty moving forward.

I have spent a considerable amount of time reflecting on our relationship and where we stand. Unfortunately, I have come to the difficult decision that it is best for us to part ways. While we have shared some beautiful moments together, it is undeniable that our relationship has reached a point where it is no longer fulfilling for either of us.

I believe that a healthy and fulfilling relationship should be built on mutual respect, trust, and compatibility. Over time, I have come to realize that we lack these essential elements in our connection. Our differences have become apparent, and our attempts to bridge the gap have proven unsuccessful. It’s important for both of us to acknowledge that we deserve happiness and fulfillment, even if it means pursuing separate paths.

I want to emphasize that this decision is not a reflection of your worth as an individual. It’s about recognizing that our visions for the future and our needs no longer align. It would be unfair to both of us to continue in a relationship that has lost its spark and no longer brings us joy. It’s essential for us to be true to ourselves and seek the happiness we deserve, even if it means letting go.

I understand that this news may come as a shock, and I apologize if it hurts you. Please know that this decision has not been made lightly. I have given it a great deal of thought and consideration, hoping to find a way to salvage what we once had. However, it has become clear to me that this is the best course of action for both of us to find the happiness we seek.

Moving forward, I believe it’s crucial for us to give each other the space and time needed to heal and grow individually. We both deserve the opportunity to find new paths and explore the possibilities that lie ahead. I hope that with time, we can look back on our shared memories with fondness and gratitude for the experiences we had together.

While this letter marks the end of our romantic relationship, I genuinely value the connection we shared and the experiences we had together. I will always cherish the memories we created, and I wish you nothing but the best for your future. May you find the love and happiness you deserve.

Thank you for being a part of my life and for the moments we shared. I hope that, eventually, we can both move forward and find fulfillment in our separate journeys. Take care of yourself and know that you will always hold a special place in my heart.


[Your Name]


that’s too niceChatGPT

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Subject: Ending Our Relationship

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter reaches you, although I suspect it won’t be a welcome message. I’m writing to inform you that our relationship has reached its bitter end. The time has come for us to face the reality that we are simply not meant to be together.

From the beginning, doubts and dissatisfaction plagued our relationship, like a festering wound that refused to heal. We have tried to make it work, but it has become painfully clear that our differences are irreconcilable. Your constant nagging and inability to understand my needs have left me drained and resentful.

I have come to the realization that being with you is suffocating my individuality and stifling my personal growth. I deserve to be with someone who appreciates me for who I am, rather than constantly trying to change me into someone I’m not. I no longer wish to endure the toxic environment that our relationship has become.

It’s evident that we are fundamentally incompatible on numerous levels. Our values, interests, and aspirations are misaligned, making it impossible for us to build a solid foundation for a lasting partnership. It would be futile to continue pretending that there is a future for us when it’s abundantly clear that there isn’t.

I want you to understand that this decision is not up for debate or negotiation. I have reached the point of no return, and I am resolute in my choice to sever ties with you. I no longer wish to waste my time and energy on a relationship that brings me nothing but misery.

Moving forward, I expect us to go our separate ways and cut off all contact. There is no need for further discussion or attempts to reconcile. It’s time for us to move on and find happiness apart from each other.

While it may seem callous and harsh, this breakup is necessary for both of us to find the fulfillment and contentment we seek in life. I urge you to take this opportunity to reflect on your actions and consider the impact they have on those around you. Growth and self-reflection may be beneficial for your future relationships.

I wish you the best, albeit from a distance. May you find someone who can tolerate your controlling nature and fulfill the unattainable expectations you impose on others.


[Your Name]


[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Address] [City, State, ZIP]

Subject: Our Final Goodbye

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter serves as a final wake-up call, as it will be the last piece of communication you’ll receive from me. Our relationship has reached a point of utter toxicity, and I can no longer subject myself to the emotional drain you inflict upon me.

I have endured countless moments of disappointment and frustration in this relationship. Your constant need for attention and your selfish behavior have left me questioning why I ever allowed you into my life. I have realized that being with you is like willingly stepping into a bottomless pit of despair.

You possess an uncanny ability to drain the joy out of any situation. Your negativity and pessimism have become unbearable, suffocating any flicker of happiness that I once had. It’s clear that you thrive on bringing others down to your level of misery, and I refuse to let you continue that cycle with me.

I have come to the realization that you are an emotional vampire, sucking the life out of anyone who dares to care for you. Your constant need for control and manipulation is nothing short of repulsive. I am done being a pawn in your twisted game.

From this point forward, I am reclaiming my freedom and my sanity. I will no longer allow myself to be trapped in the clutches of your toxic presence. You may have thought you had me under your thumb, but I am breaking free and leaving you behind in the darkness where you belong.

I want nothing to do with you anymore. I want to erase every memory of our time together, as they only serve as painful reminders of the wasted moments I can never get back. You are nothing more than a blight on my past, and I am determined to move forward without you.

Do not attempt to contact me again. I have severed all ties and any shred of hope for reconciliation. I urge you to take a good look in the mirror and evaluate the monster you have become. Perhaps one day, you will realize the damage you have caused and seek help. But until then, stay out of my life.

I am closing this chapter with you for good. I deserve better than the toxicity you bring. May karma find its way to you and deliver the pain and suffering you have so callously dished out.

This is the end. Goodbye, and good riddance.

[Your Name]